Stress fields and deformational regimes within the limits of the Ukrainian part of the East Carpathians according to tectonophysical data


  • A. V. Murovska Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T. A. Amashukeli Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V.I. Alyokhin Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine



Ukrainian Carpathians, slickensides, kinematic method, stress field, deformational regime, geodynamics


The studies include the materials of the field tectonophysical observations of 2013―2018 and reinterpreted field data of 1990―1995. In order to determine the stress tensor structural-paragenetic and kinematic tectonophysical methods were used. Application of optimizing procedure, implemented to Vin Tensor program, allowed taking into account sliding fissures without determined kinematic types not involved to previous processing. Determining part in formation and development of Ukrainian Carpathians was played by tectonic forces of southwestern 220° direction. During formation of brittle disruptions shear deformational regimes were essentially prevailing and under conditions of thrust-fault deformational regime flexible deformation took place (folded shear structure of Ukrainian Carpathians was in the process of formation). In the Rakhiv massif and southeastern part of Pyenine rocks zone orientation of axes of regional field of compression changes to sub-latitudinal. The field of extention of southwestern direction has been related for the first time to thrust-faults of the basement. The strain field with sub-longitudinal axis of compression was also renovated. Two stages of the development of the Carpathian orogen were specified: (1) during early orogen stage folded-shear deformations reach their maximum under conditions of thrust deformational regime (2) during late orogen stage rising of the Carpathian structure accelerates as a result of isostasy and its fragmentation takes place by diagonal, transverse and longitudinal shears. Nowadays the conditions of tangential compression in the Carpathians maintains, that is evidenced by compression fields according to tectonophysical and seismologic data, but in the upper part of the crust stretching under the effects of gravity forces is superimposed.


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How to Cite

Murovska, A. V., Amashukeli, T. A., & Alyokhin, V. (2019). Stress fields and deformational regimes within the limits of the Ukrainian part of the East Carpathians according to tectonophysical data. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 41(2), 84–98.


