Structural and tectonic features of the Transcarpathian trough according to gravity and magnetic data


  • V.Yu. Maksymchuk Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S.G. Anikeyev Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • L.S. Monchak Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • R.S. Kuderavets Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • N.B. Pyrizhok Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, Ukraine



Transcarpathian trough, Transcarpathian deep fault, fault tectonics, anticlinal structures, salt structures, local gravitational and magnetic anomalies


Based on the analysis and interpretation of gravity and magnetic field anomalies, we studiedthe peculiarities of fault tectonics, structural-tectonic structure (including salt dome tectonics) of the Transcarpathian trough. We identified signs of the manifestation of deep faults and other large structural-tectonic elements in anomalies of gravity and magnetic fields. We then traced these structural-tectonic units by comparing the morphology, intensity, dimensions, and directions of the typical anomalous zones in the gravitational and magnetic fields with the tectonic structure of the region.

We used digital maps of gravitational and magnetic fields; averaging transforms and relief-shadow images, we mapped local gravimagnetic anomalies. Analysis of the spatial structure of the original gravimagnetic fields and their transforms and structural-tectonic maps yielded a reflection of large tectonic elements of fault tectonics, anticlinal and salt dome structures in the gravimagnetic fields. Based on gravimagnetic data, the tectonic structure of the Transcarpathian trough was clarified, and the boundaries of tectonic zones and microplates were traced. The zone of the Transcarpathian deep fault is identified as a tectonic zone traced by a band of intense local positive anomalies of the gravity field along the Flysch Carpathians to the border of the Marmarosh massif. It is limited by high gradients from the southwest and northeast and is a reflection of the Pieniny and Marmarosh rock zones. The zone of the Transcarpathian deep fault is considered a suture zone of the Inner and Flysch Carpathians. In the structure of the anomalous gravity field of the Transcarpathian trough, a number of local anomalies associated with salt stocks, as well as individual anomalies, expected to be connected to salt-bearing deposits, werefound.

We confirmed the effectiveness of gravimagnetic methods in the geological conditions of the Transcarpathian trough to detect anticlinal structures, basement protrusions, which create favorable conditions for oil and gas traps in sedimentary strata. Interpreting anomalous gravimagnetic fields in combination with geological and tectonic materials is an important condition for the integral process of studying the geological and tectonic structure of the Earth’s crust in the Transcarpathian region.


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How to Cite

Maksymchuk, V., Anikeyev, S., Monchak, L., Kuderavets, R., & Pyrizhok, N. (2023). Structural and tectonic features of the Transcarpathian trough according to gravity and magnetic data. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 45(6).


