Determination of changes in the degree of salinity of the marine water environment by acoustic methods


  • V.O. Iemelianov SSI «Center for Problems of Marine Geology,Geoecology and Sedimentary Ore Formations of the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • V.M. Rylyuk SSI «Center for Problems of Marine Geology,Geoecology and Sedimentary Ore Formations of the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • M.I. Skypa SSI «Center for Problems of Marine Geology,Geoecology and Sedimentary Ore Formations of the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine



marine water environment, degree of salinity, acoustic methods, submarine groundwater discharge


Given the pressing need to address the escalating water supply challenges in the coastal regions of southeastern and southern Ukraine, the expansion of methodologies for identifying zones of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) within the Ukrainian shelf of the Azov-Black Sea basin stands as a paramount task for national marine hydrogeologists and geoecologists. Consequently, the advancement of novel comprehensive methodologies and technologies for locating additional freshwater reservoirs specifically, the segment of groundwater outflow into the Black Sea geo-ecosystem (GES), holds immense potential to broaden the horizons for water provisioning to the populace and other stakeholders (such as agricultural entities, industrial sectors, etc.) across the coastal areas of Ukraine.

The article presents theoretical findings on the feasibility of using acoustic methods to detect changes in salinity of the marine aquatic subsystem (MASUS) within geo-ecosystem (GES) of the sea basin, particularly in areas where freshwater discharge from geological aquifers or riverbed runoff is probable. To achieve this objective, we examine the unique characteristics of acoustic signal reflection as it propagates through the MASUS water environment, analyzing variations in sound speed corresponding to changes in salinity within the marine water environment. Theoretical calculations employ methods from statistical physics and quantum mechanics to investigate such phenomena.

The comprehensive theoretical insights outlined in this article enable us to propose a practical and cost-effective approach for identifying sources of submarine groundwater discharge. This method combines two acoustic techniques: measuring sound speed within the MASUS water environment and assessing the reflection coefficient of an acoustic signal from the interface between MASUS water and the geological environment of GSUS GES within the marine basin.


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How to Cite

Iemelianov, V., Rylyuk, V., & Skypa, M. (2024). Determination of changes in the degree of salinity of the marine water environment by acoustic methods. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 46(3).


