Analysis of stress-strain state of Caucasus region (Azerbaijan) on the basis of maximum horizontal stress vectors and "World Stress Map" application technique


  • G.P. Babayev Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Азербайджан
  • E.V. Akhmedova Baku State University, Азербайджан
  • F.A. Kadirov Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Азербайджан


Ключові слова:

topographic anomalies, Greater and Lesser Caucasus, mechanisms of formation of earthquakes foci, stress-strain state, vectors of maximal horizontal strains, World Stress Map


The influence of topographic anomaly of the relief on the stress-strain state of the Caucasus lithosphere (Azerbaijan) and plotting the respective models have been considered in the paper. Stress-strain state was studied by the finite element method with the application of software packages Hypermesh™ and AbaqusTM. Based on the plotted models of stress-strain state of lithosphere, the orientations and localization of the horizontal stress axes at the various lithosphere depths were determined. The correlation of those stress axes was done with the stress map plotted on the basis of focal mechanism solutions of the earthquake occurred in Azerbaijan within the period of 1990—2015 years with the application of CASMO ("World Stress Map") technique. Mainly western and central parts of Greater Caucasus ridge are characterized by northeastern—southwestern tension. In the eastern part, the tension reverses into intensive compression. In the studied region, earthquakes are predominantly thrust-faulting with a number of normal-faulting and some strike-slip faulting. The consideration of the topographic anomalies at analysis of stress-strain state at the various lithosphere depth levels will allow obtaining more reliable data for the plotting of geodynamic model of the region. Such researches are necessary to be conducted at the construction of the strategic facilities, especially underground constructions (mines, tunnels, underground pipelines, terminals) since it is important to consider as many factors as possible affecting the formation of the stress-strain state of the Earth's crust.


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Як цитувати

Babayev, G., Akhmedova, E., & Kadirov, F. (2017). Analysis of stress-strain state of Caucasus region (Azerbaijan) on the basis of maximum horizontal stress vectors and "World Stress Map" application technique. Геофізичний журнал, 39(3), 26–39.


