The structure of velocity mantle number of horizons under Phennoscandia according to seismic-tomography data


  • T. A. Tsvetkova Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Україна
  • I. V. Bugaenko Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Україна


Ключові слова:

seismic tomography, seismic boundaries of the second kind


Seismic boundaries of the second kind have been distinguished under Phennoscandia according to three-dimensional P-velocity model of the mantle and velocity number of horizons of the upper mantle and its transitional zone has been shown. Four velocity horizons and corresponding seismic boundaries of the second kind have been distinguished. It has been shown that within the limits of the upper mantle the market boundaries correspond to the known ones, distinguished by the super-long profiles: Phennolora, Quartz, Ruby and Svekalapka massif. Seismic boundaries of the second kind of transitional zone have been marked.


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Як цитувати

Tsvetkova, T. A., & Bugaenko, I. V. (2016). The structure of velocity mantle number of horizons under Phennoscandia according to seismic-tomography data. Геофізичний журнал, 38(1), 57–77.


