The structure of subduction zone of the South Caspian basin and seismicity


  • A.G. Zamanova Institute of Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Азербайджан


Ключові слова:

South Caspian basin, epicenter, hypocenter, earthquake


The relationship of strong earthquakes with layers of the Earth's crust in the Azerbaijani sector of the South Caspian Basin was analyzed based on the data of recent geophysical studies. Based on a map of earthquakes and seismic profiles the objective laws of distribution of earthquakes along the area and the depth were studied. The northern boundary of the South Caspian basin differs by high seismic activity. According to the modern depth data, it is possible to assume that the observed seismicity is associated with the processes, resulted from subduction of the consolidated crust of SCB beneath the Epihercynian platform, established by the materials of ultra-deep seismometry.


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Як цитувати

Zamanova, A. (2014). The structure of subduction zone of the South Caspian basin and seismicity. Геофізичний журнал, 36(6), 188–196.


