Joint use of inverse gravity problem methods to increase interpretation informativity


  • P. Balk Berlin Deutschland, Німеччина
  • A. Dolgal Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Mining Institute Ural Branch RAS, Російська Федерація
  • T. Balk Berlin Deutschland, Німеччина
  • L. Khristenko Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Mining Institute Ural Branch RAS, Російська Федерація


Ключові слова:

gravimetry, magnetometry, return problem, an assembly method, the guaranteed approach, localization function, field sourсe


This paper offers classification of information types that may be contained in the results of solving inverse gravity and magnetometry problems. There is argued that in terms of this classification most of the known algorithms for quantitative interpretation potential fields are substantially equivalent — none of them can guarantee a higher quality of solution results of the inverse problem. It is proved that the main reasons of such equivalence are scalar criteria of pairwise comparison of admissible solutions of the inverse problem in order to select the best of them. Several new approaches to the solution of inverse problems have been proposed, based on alternative mathematical forms of representation of the results of interpretation and oriented to objective assessment of opportunities of geophysical methods in the concrete interpretation conditions.


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Як цитувати

Balk, P., Dolgal, A., Balk, T., & Khristenko, L. (2015). Joint use of inverse gravity problem methods to increase interpretation informativity. Геофізичний журнал, 37(4), 75–92.


