3D magnetic model of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton and the Novoukrainka massif and its geological interpretation


  • I.K. Pashkevich S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Україна
  • M. Bakarzhieva S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Україна




Three-dimensional model of the upper and middle crust of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton and the Novoukrainka massif has been constructed applying the maps of anomalous magnetic field of a scale 1: 200 000, the data of gravity modeling and DSS. A specific feature of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton together with directly magnetized formations of gabbro-anorthosite complex is widely distributed rocks of this complex with inverse magnetization that is an evidence of their multiphase origin. It has been also revealed an asymmetry in distribution of magnetic formations of the pluton and of the deep structure of the Earth’s crust as to trans-regional separation zone of Kherson—Smolensk. According to the data of magnetic maps, magnetic model of the pluton has been supplemented by the distinguished semicircular structures that underline the individual character of development of each of the massifs in its limits and are considered as prototectonic faults related to multiphase formation of the pluton.

The Novoukrainka massif is characterized by the development of rocks with different intensity, magnetized in direction of contemporary magnetic field. Formation of the massif is strongly related to large deep fault zones and trans-regional separation zone Kherson-Smolensk, which form an intersection knot at the base of the crust.

Structural position of large dyke dolerite belts of the region has been analyzed showing that their formation occurred in the period between establishment of the Novoukrainka massif and the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton.


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Як цитувати

Pashkevich, I., & Bakarzhieva, M. (2013). 3D magnetic model of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton and the Novoukrainka massif and its geological interpretation. Геофізичний журнал, 35(4), 115–126. https://doi.org/10.24028/gzh.0203-3100.v35i4.2013.111427


