Studies of anisotropy of dielectric permeability of soil rocks under pressure


  • V.G. Sugak Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov, Україна
  • V.N. Bormotov Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov, Україна
  • V.A. Parkhomenko Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov, Україна



This paper presents the results of experimental measurements of anisotropy of dielectric permeability of wet sand samples appearing as a result of applied external pressure in the frequency range 90—150 MHz. The measurements were made on special measuring stand with use of two developed sensors, one of which measures dielectric permeability along the vector of pressure and another one — in perpendicular direction. As a result, the anisotropy coefficient of dielectric permeability of the wet sand samples reached the value of 1,6.


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Як цитувати

Sugak, V., Bormotov, V., & Parkhomenko, V. (2014). Studies of anisotropy of dielectric permeability of soil rocks under pressure. Геофізичний журнал, 36(5), 118–127.


