Pathways of the Modified Atlantic Water across the Strait of Sicily


  • Jaber I. Ben Preparatory Institut for the Engineer Studies of Tunis, Туніс
  • J. Abdennadher Preparatory Institut for the Engineer Studies of Tunis, Туніс
  • M. Boukthir Preparatory Institut for the Engineer Studies of Tunis, Туніс



The purpose of this study is to study the medium-scale dynamics, as well as the dynamics of the sub-basin scale in the Central Mediterranean, and to elucidate the routes of the Atlantic waters in this region using a high-resolution numerical model of the eddy-resolving simplest equation. The seasonal variability of the two streams of modified Atlantic waters crossing the Sicilian Strait varies considerably. The main stream along the coast of Tunisia, giving rise to the Atlantic Tunisian current, is stronger than the Atlantic Ionian stream (AIP) from autumn to spring. The Atlantic Tunisian current, which, apparently, is present throughout the year, is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability from the simulation results. The high-resolution model is capable of well reproducing the flow and variability of AIP, including such associating characteristic structures as the Advent Benk Vortex, Moltis Channel Cross, Ionian Benc Vortex and the outflow to the northern Ionian Sea.


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Як цитувати

Ben, J. . . I., Abdennadher, J., & Boukthir, M. (2014). Pathways of the Modified Atlantic Water across the Strait of Sicily. Геофізичний журнал, 36(4), 75–84.


