The impact of earthquakes on the regime of ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic emissions
Anomalous changes in the behavior of Pc 1 geomagnetic pulsations and oscillations with the spectrum resonance structure (SRS) occurred a few minutes before or after an earthquake have been found. In all cases the changes happened following the ULF electromagnetic pulse and were observed either as a sudden stop of oscillations, or as their sharp intensification. SRS reflects the ionosphere resonance properties that can be sharply modified due to impact of an earthquake on the ionosphere layers. Changes in the resonance properties can be a reason of the effects in Pc 1 s as well. It is supposed that the effects in two types of emissions (Pc 1 and SRS oscillations) are the consequence of the complex processes in the upper atmosphere, including precipitation of the charged particles into the ionosphere caused by interaction of ULF electromagnetic pulse of lithosphere origin with radiation belt.Посилання
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