Mathematical modeling of wave fields in layered media with additional stresses


  • D. V. Malitsky Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Україна
  • A. Yu. Pavlova Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Україна
  • V. F. Chekurin Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Україна



We consider the model of a vertically inhomogeneous medium, when one or more layers are under more stress. We analyzed the results of research of influence of hydrostatic pressure act-ing in one of the layers of horizontally-layered structure of the wave field excited by pulse point seismic source, which is represented by seismic moment tensor localized in the isotropic layer. We suggested to use the matrix method of Thomson - Haskell for solving the problem to build field movements in order to use relevant analytical relations for solving the inverse problem in respect of stress tensor and/or parameters of the source. The results of mathematical modelling are simple in utilization and can be used for interpretation of seismic records.


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Як цитувати

Malitsky, D. V., Pavlova, A. Y., & Chekurin, V. F. (2012). Mathematical modeling of wave fields in layered media with additional stresses. Геофізичний журнал, 34(6), 154–159.



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