The experimental-methodical geophysical studies in the RV POSEIDON cruise 405


  • J. Bialas Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, Російська Федерація
  • S. Mykhaylyuk Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Україна
  • A. Vasiliev Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Болгарія
  • I. Klaucke Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, Російська Федерація
  • C. Papenberg Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences, Російська Федерація
  • K. Schwalenberg Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Російська Федерація



The main results of experimental and methodological geophysical studies in the 405th cruise of the NIS "Poseidon" from 8 to 22 December 2010 in the northwestern part of the Black Sea are presented. The purpose of the POS-405 cruise is the testing of new geophysical equipment developed within the framework of the SUGAR target project. The new multi-beam sounder SBE 3050 Multibeam company ELAC Nautik was installed on the NIS "Poseidon" during the last stay of the ship in dry dock. The sounder is able to record the water column and display gas bubbles on the display screen using the image viewer (WCI). In comparison with the bathymetric map of the canyon, the Danube test gave a positive result. For the first time, a new deep-seated, towed multichannel streamer was deployed. With the help of a deep-water winch, the first seismic signals were completed and recorded. After replacing the members of the scientific crew, a new electromagnetic system with a controlled source (CSEM) was tested. For the first time a 1000 m long receiver was towed. Due to weather conditions (wind of more than 25 m / s), the Poseidon VAT 3.5 days out of 15 workers was in a storm situation. These limitations prevented intensive tests of towed instruments. By agreement with the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, electromagnetic research was conducted for 15 days using an innovative method for analyzing spontaneous electromagnetic radiation (ASEMI).


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Як цитувати

Bialas, J., Mykhaylyuk, S., Vasiliev, A., Klaucke, I., Papenberg, C., & Schwalenberg, K. (2011). The experimental-methodical geophysical studies in the RV POSEIDON cruise 405. Геофізичний журнал, 33(3), 151–150.



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