Simulation and use of exchange wave fields to determine the azimuths of fractures


  • V.Yu. Roganov Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute, Україна
  • V.V. Roganov Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute, Україна



An efficient and stable method for synthesis of 3D-3C wavefields in a horizontally layered me-dium with differently oriented fractures is derived. The method enables either entire wavefield or a wavefield containing only waves of certain type for each layer to be obtained. In the process of wave generation, azimuthal-dependent NMO can be computed and applied to obtain azimuthal stacks.


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Як цитувати

Roganov, V., & Roganov, V. (2012). Simulation and use of exchange wave fields to determine the azimuths of fractures. Геофізичний журнал, 33(2), 64–79.


