Коронавірусні пахощі


  • Yakov Khazan Frankfurt am Main, Німеччина



Ключові слова:

COVID-19, contagiousness period, epidemic dynamics


It is shown that epidemic dynamics and total number of people with a viral disease in a closed community critically depend on the duration of the period of virus contagiousness. The time that an infected person remains infectious is limited either by his/her isolation or by a natural decrease in virus activity. From laboratory data on changes in virus COVID-19 activity over time and on the basis of studying the epidemic dynamics in various communities, it follows that if the isolation of an infected person is not effectively used to combat the epidemic, then the individual, on average, remains contagious for 9—10 days after being infected. Modeling shows that in this case approximately 15 % of the closed community population will be finally infected (including asymptomatic cases). Since only about 20 % of those infected go to the doctor and are registered in the statistics, it should be expected that the number of registered cases would be about 3 % of the population. Currently, only Israel has reached this threshold.


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Як цитувати

Khazan, Y. (2020). Коронавірусні пахощі. Геофізичний журнал, 42(5), 233–248. https://doi.org/10.24028/gzh.0203-3100.v42i5.2020.215368



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