Geoelectric models of the earth's crust of Ukraine by the results of the magnetotelluric studies using new methods of inversions


  • S. Kovachikova
  • I.M. Logvinov
  • J. Pek
  • V.N. Tarasov


Ключові слова:

conductivity structure, Earth’s crust, Ukrainian Carpathians, Kirovograd anomaly of conductivity, Voronezh massif decline


Application of 1D anisotropic inversion (using methods of stochastic and directional decomposition analysis) and 3D inversion (by thin layer) to magnetotelluric data in the territory of Ukraine allowed to prove quantitatively the existence of conductive objects located at different depths and extending in intersecting directions. The importance of the use of these methods has been demonstrated by examples, linking results in the Carpathians, the Dnieper-Donets Basin, the slope of the Voronezh massif, Ukrainian shield with accommodation areas and areas of specific minerals, seismic and geo- and hydrothermal resources


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Як цитувати

Kovachikova, S., Logvinov, I., Pek, J., & Tarasov, V. (2016). Geoelectric models of the earth’s crust of Ukraine by the results of the magnetotelluric studies using new methods of inversions. Геофізичний журнал, 38(6), 83–100.


