Wave propagation in periodic fluid-solid layered media


  • Yu.V. Roganov
  • V.Yu. Roganov



Ключові слова:

periodic fluid-solid medium, dispersion equation, Floquet wave, slowness curve, velocity indicatrix


Dispersion equation is derived for the Floquet waves in a horizontal periodically layered fluid-solid medium. It is shown that the dispersion equation consists of four factors. This representation explains the splitting of parameters (frequency, horizontal slowness) in passing and stop bands. The Floquet waves with horizontal group velocity can be computed individually from each of these factors. The properties of horizontally propagated waves are considered. The equations for the ratios of the components of polarization vectors and the amplitudes of partial waves are derived. Proposed theory is illustrated in one numerical example


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Як цитувати

Roganov, Y., & Roganov, V. (2016). Wave propagation in periodic fluid-solid layered media. Геофізичний журнал, 38(6), 101–117. https://doi.org/10.24028/gzh.0203-3100.v38i6.2016.91877


