East Mountain Crimea strain fields of different age


  • V. V. Gonchar Institute of Geophysics by S.I.Subbotin name, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Україна



Ключові слова:

East Mountain Crimea, strain fields, folding, paleotectonic reconstructions


Actual data of kinematic analysis have been given, reconstruction and discrimination of strain fields with respect to the stage of main folding within the limits of the East Mountain Crimea have been fulfilled. The field of sub-meridional—northwestern compression realized in connection with processes of Arabian collision is responsible for formation of final folding of the Sudak-Karadag zone and post-folding collision compression of the East Mountain Crimea. As pre-folding fields arc defined the following ones: the fields of thrust-displacement type with northeastern and west-north-west orientations of compression axes and thrust fields with northeastern and northwestern orientation of axes of tension. The last ones can most probably be related to manifestation of riftogenesis behind the arc in the Black Sea region during Middle Cretaceous—Paleocene. The field of northeastern compression might be related to regional compression in Late Eocene—Oligocene, stipulated the folding of the Great Caucasus.


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Як цитувати

Gonchar, V. V. (2017). East Mountain Crimea strain fields of different age. Геофізичний журнал, 39(1), 61–78. https://doi.org/10.24028/gzh.0203-3100.v39i1.2017.94011


