The experiment of integrated mobile technologies used for deep hydrocarbon accumulation prospecting and geophysical mapping at the West Antarctic bottom structures


  • V. D. Solovyov Institute of Geophysics by S.I.Subbotin name, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Україна
  • S. P. Levashov
  • N. A. Yakimchuk
  • I. N. Korchagin Institute of Geophysics by S.I.Subbotin name, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Україна
  • D. N. Bozhezha


Ключові слова:

West Antarctica, continental margins, mud volcanoes, oil, gas hydrates, mobile technologies, geo-electric prospecting methods


The data obtained confirm earlier assumption about possible existence of large accumulations of oil and gas hydrates in this part of the West Antarctica. Their formation in the structures of passive continental margin of the Antarctic Peninsula occurred as a result of repeated intrusions of deep geo-fluids into the earth crust different horizons during regional reactivation of paleo-fractures and attenuated zones. Materials of geophysical studies in the region have shown the presence of complicated system of local structures, considered as typical for passive continental margins. Shared feature for these structures of continental margin of Antarctica as well as for other similar structures of the great ocean is sufficiently close regional, and possibly genetic connection of mud volcanoes with explored areas of BSR-reflections and the places of formation of gas and gas hydrates accumulations. The data obtained attest the considerable role of deep fluids in formation of hydrocarbon accumulations in different horizons of the Earth’s crust of the passive margins of West Antarctica.


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Як цитувати

Solovyov, V. D., Levashov, S. P., Yakimchuk, N. A., Korchagin, I. N., & Bozhezha, D. N. (2017). The experiment of integrated mobile technologies used for deep hydrocarbon accumulation prospecting and geophysical mapping at the West Antarctic bottom structures. Геофізичний журнал, 39(1), 123–143.


