On mim-spaces


  • Viktoriya Brydun Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Aleksandr Savchenko Kherson State Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • Mykhailo Zarichnyi Lviv National University, Ukraine



Palabras clave:

idempotent measure, probability measure, mim-space


The notion of idempotent measure is a counterpart of that of probability measure in the idempotent mathematics. In this note, we consider a metric on the set of compact, idempotent measure spaces (mim-spaces) and prove that this space is separable and non-complete.

Biografía del autor/a

Viktoriya Brydun, Drohobych State Pedagogical University

Associate professor

Aleksandr Savchenko, Kherson State Agrarian University

Department of Economics, Dean

Mykhailo Zarichnyi, Lviv National University

Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Dean


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