Age aspect of adaptive response of the central nervous system in the state of emotional pain.
spontaneous behavioral activity, spatial memory, unsaturated fatty acids, hippocampus, neocortexAbstract
The formation of higher adaptive response in the postoperative period was investigated in experiments on rats of two age groups. It was found inhibition of the orientation-motor and emotional activity in young (5-6 months) and old rats (20-24 months) with the greatear effect in animals of the first age group. In young rats the inhibition of spatial memory was observed – number of food-getting depleted reactions decreased by 28%. Cognitive deficit was accompanied by opposite changes in the content of free unsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2.3), respectively to age features: decreased by 46% in the cortex of young rats and increased by 2.5-fold in the hippocampus of old animals.References
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