Age aspect of adaptive response of the central nervous system in the state of emotional pain.


  • Ye. M. Demchenko


Ключевые слова:

spontaneous behavioral activity, spatial memory, unsaturated fatty acids, hippocampus, neocortex


The formation of higher adaptive response in the postoperative period was investigated in expe­riments on rats of two age groups. It was found inhibition of the orientation-motor and emotional activity in young (5-6 months) and old rats (20-24 months) with the greatear effect in animals of the first age group. In young rats the inhibition of spatial memory was observed – number of food-getting depleted reactions decreased by 28%. Cognitive deficit was accompanied by opposite changes in the content of free unsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2.3), respectively to age features: decreased by 46% in the cortex of young rats and increased by 2.5-fold in the hippocampus of old ani­mals.

Биография автора

Ye. M. Demchenko

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of physiology
Dnipropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine

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Как цитировать

Demchenko YM. Age aspect of adaptive response of the central nervous system in the state of emotional pain. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 24 ноябрь 2014 г. [цитируется по 19 декабрь 2024 г.];19(4):12-7. доступно на:

