Серцево-судинний ризик у пацієнтів з неклапанною персистуючою фібриляцією передсердь
https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2013.2.15946Ключові слова:
фібриляція передсердь, серцево-судинні фактори ризику, тромбоемболічні ускладненняАнотація
Results of cardiovascular risk factors assessment of 133 patients with persisting non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) (main group) being admitted for electrical cardioversion performance and comparison of these risk factors with cardiovascular risk profile of 6535 AF patients from Cohort 1 of the international GARFIELD registry (group of comparison) are revealed in the article. Patients in the main group were older than 65 years (33,8%), in European population of GARFIELD registry the majority of patients older than 65 years – 73,8%; p<0,001. There were more women in European population of GARFIELD registry in comparison with our patients (44,8% vs 28,6%;р<0,001). With regard to co-morbidity characteristics, patients in our study had higher BMI (31,9 ± 5,7 vs 28,5 ± 5,2; p<0,001), hypercholesterolaemia (72,9% vs 46,1%; p<0,001), moderate renal dysfunction (GFR 30-59 mL/min) (36,8% vs 12,1%; p<0,001) and alcohol abuse (6,8% vs 1,1%). Number of patients with the risk of thromboembolism complications (TEC) ≥ 2 score by CHA2DS2-VASc was higher in European population of GARFIELD registry (86,0% vs 68,4%, <0,001), that is explained by prevalence of elderly patients in this group. The use of oral anticoagulants for thromboembolism prevention in high risk patients was low in both groups (approximately 70,0%), a large majority of patients in both groups were not treated effectively (64,1% vs. 55%, p = 0,148). Prevalence of TEC in case-history was similar in both groups (11,4% vs 15,9%, p = 0,141). So in our study patients with persistent non-valvular AF are characterized by higher cardiovascular risk in younger age in comparison with European population of AF patients from GARFIELD registry. For identification of “truly low-risk” patients with TEC, further improvement of risk stratification is required.
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