Регбі-5 при підготовці учнів середньої школи з фізичного виховання з використанням інформаційних технологій


  • І.Ю. Філенко
  • О.В. Кудімова
  • В.О. Чернишов


The relevance of the study lies in the use of information technology in the implementation of the educational process of physical education of rugby-5 students. Purpose: to substantiate the main aspects of the introduction of rugby-5 in the program of training high school students in physical education using information technology. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; questionnaires; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the study presents information-methodical and educational material for preparation for rugby-5 lessons; developed complexes of methodical support, syllabi of rugby-5 lessons; the basic methods of teaching technical elements of rugby-5 are revealed; proved the need to perform independent and homework to consolidate the skills of playing rugby 5 and the development of general physical culture of students. Conclusions: it is established that rugby-5 is a contactless adapted model of the game for children, which makes it possible to recommend the sports game of rugby-5 for inclusion in the school curriculum; a set of information support and computer programs to optimize the process of implementing rugby-5 in the school curriculum for physical education; According to the results of the survey, 74% of respondents rated rugby 5 with high scores.

