Packing non-equal hyperspheres into a hypersphere of minimal radius



hypersphere, packing, mathematical modeling, jump algorithm


The problem of packing different hyperspheres into a hypersphere of minimal  radius is considered. All hypersphere radii are supposed to be variable. Solving the problem is reduced to solving a sequence of mathematical programming problems. A special way of construction of starting pointsis suggested. A smooth transition from one local minimum point to another providing a decrease of the objective value is realized using the jump algorithm is fulfilled. Then, solution results are improved due to reduction of the solution space dimension by step-by-step fixing radii of hyperspheres and rearrangements of hypersphere pairs. Non-linear mathematical programming problems are solved with the IPOPT (Interior Point Optimizer) solver and the concept of active inequalities. A number of numerical results are given.

Author Biography

G. N. Yaskov, A.N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



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Applied mathematics