Closure of a curvilinear crack in sheet element under influence of temperature field


  • В. М. Мирсалимов Azerbaijan technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • А. Б. Мустафаев Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan


curvilinear crack in sheet element, non-uniform stress field, temperature field, contact stresses, contact zone, slippage zone


We consider a change of temperature field near ends of a curvilinear crack in structure sheet element under influence of an inhomogeneous strength field. Solution of the boundary value problem for equilibrium of a curvilinear crack with partially contacting faces under the influence of an external inhomogeneous stress field, an in­duced thermoelastic field and tractions on contacting crack faces is reduced in each approximation to the problem of analytic functions linear conjugation. It is assumed that in some part of the contact zone a stick of crack faces occurs, and in the rest part of the contact zone a crack faces slippage is possible. The goal of the local tempera­ture changes is deceleration or braking of curvilinear crack growth.  From the solu­tion of the problem of analytic functions linear conjugation the normal and tangential contact stresses are found. The sizes of contact zones also are found

Author Biographies

В. М. Мирсалимов, Azerbaijan technical University, Baku

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

А. Б. Мустафаев, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan



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