
  • Tetyana Zhukovska



performing culture, musical communication, interpretation, cultural dialogue, composer and performer


The article deals with the phenomenon of the performing culture. Based on the scientific analysis of modern art, the research identifies promising vectors of performing culture phenomenon in the modern social and cultural space. The essence of the performing culture phenomenon is revealed in cultural, philosophical and art contexts using appropriate methodologies.

The actuality of the article is due to the absence of the concept in the theory of modern art which would reveal the essence of the performing culture phenomenon and would present it as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It is important to mention that only some components of the performing cultural system can be analyzed in the research. This problem requires observing and understanding in the context of art and studying the matter in the cultural aspect, which requires ascertaining the nature and meaning of "performing culture" of philosophical, aesthetic, cultural positions.

The author has analyzed a wide range of modern scientific research, the object of which is the performing culture. As a matter of Ukrainian performing culture and musicians creativity was researched in a lot of scientific works such as O.Bench, Zh.Dedusenko, N.Zhayvoronok, L.Kasyanenka, O.Katrych, M.Kononovoyi, I.Kohanyk, O.Markova, V.Moskalenko, P.Mulyar, Yu.Nyekrasov, T.Roschyna, S.Tyshko, T.Zinskoyi, A.Kravchenko and others. These researchers studied musical performance as a phenomenon of musical culture, interpreted as a self-sufficient artistic phenomenon, actively studied the history of formation and development of the performing schools, especially the performing style of individual musicians and more. The researcher’s interest focused on the creative process artist and his way of performing; on style, genre, performing various kinds of aspects of the performing arts; on the specifics of thinking; on the history of certain performing schools and musical performance practice more. For modern performing schools remains the valid question of culture performance of a musical work, requiring the analysis of objective and subjective value principles in the interpretation of the author's conception of the work, sheet music encoded in signs.

The author stresses that unexplored and relevant problem is a comprehensive understanding the phenomenon of performing culture with a shift in emphasis from the musicological aspects in the context of the theory, history, culture and philosophy and methodology also needs to be expanded of its study.

The term "performing culture" is quite complex for the content, because combines two important categories – performance and culture. The exceptional complexity and multiplicity of the concept of "culture" necessitates its understanding and interpretations of the philosophical, cultural, sociological contexts that determines the number of definitions and approaches in studying of this phenomenon. As the concept of "culture", the essence of the concept of "performing culture" can be observed both in a narrow sense and in the broader socio-cultural context. For example, the term "performing culture" can affect performance of a musical work and indicate the level of education of the artist, his awareness and professionalism in the process of interpretation.

This article suggests the concept of performing culture as a communication system incorporating interpretation and perception. The author narrate the essence of phenomenon of performing culture through the prism of its philosophical origins, applying methods of hermeneutics and semiotics. The concept of performing culture is analyzed in the contexts of culture, philosophy, arts and music.

Analyzing communication processes in performing culture, the author deals with problems of the performing interpretation of modern composers in the context of creative dialogue between an author and a performer of a musical work.

At the turn of the century, it was observed the activation of communicative function of culture, and at the end of ХХ- and at the beginning of ХХІ century concept of cultural communication become very actuality. The author describes the peculiarities of performing culture in information field at the end of ХХ- and at the beginning of ХХІ century and defines the essence of the phenomenon performing culture through the prism of cultural communication. The result of communication processes in modern performance culture is a global polylogue ages, cultures, performing traditions, their interpenetration and integration, which can be a characteristic feature of social and cultural space of the XXI century. It makes the study of the phenomenon of performing culture as a dynamic socio-cultural phenomenon in cultural, philosophical, art and musicological contexts.

The author argues that the modern culture is a performing dynamic socio cultural phenomenon, the coherent system of communication, which provides the reproduction of world heritage, regardless of the time of their creation, the number of multiple interpretations and receptions.

Author Biography

Tetyana Zhukovska

Postgraduate of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Art


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