
  • Nataliya Shuhaliy



Educator, scholar, historian, poet, social-political figure, study, theologian, preaching the analysis


There are individuals who know how to do particularly apparent overwhelming "Zeitgeist" and so, figuratively speaking, to identify the "national character." Such personality of Denmark was – a theologian by training, pastor by profession, philosopher, historian, poet and educator N.F.S. Grundtvig. His personality, significantly influenced the development of Danish society in the first half of the XIX century and continues to define the society today. N.F.S. Grundtvig played a crucial role in the development of democracy of Denmark. His main idea was to preserve and develop Folkelighed, Danish word, the root of which is folk and which means "people" (nation, people). Folkelighed means everything that has to do with people (nation), including – the identity, culture, history and values. His highest ideal is to provide the society that meets the typical Danish conditions and traditions of the people, based on the equality of people. The means of achieving this ideal N.F.S. Grundtvig considered to be school, education and public education.

Ever since childhood N.F.S. Grundtvig was distinguished by outstanding ability to study: when he was four, he could read and write, and when he was six years old he already knew Latin. Later Nikolai Frederik Severin showed remarkable interest in all national, Danish, folk. Being a child and a young man, he listened to all the stories, which included any information about his people with great curiosity.

According to eyewitnesses, since his childhood N. Grundtvig thought a lot about a person's love to God. His first favorite books were old historical works from the library of his father, books on church history and biography of Luther. As noted by his biographers, when he was 11 he began to study books in Scandinavian mythology, and that inspired him to work that was associated with studying, researching, and then with glorification of great Danish history.

Author Biography

Nataliya Shuhaliy

Ph.D., lecturer jf the department of the Applied Linguistics of Nizhyn Gogol State University


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