
  • Veronica Tormakhova



rock music, folklore, "Made in Ukraine", "Braty Gadyukiny", blues, mood


The article analyzes the new album "Made in Ukraine" Ukrainian cult rock band "Braty Gadyukiny". The features of the band's style in order to identify the specific factors and stable release of the innovations indicate their creative evolution. The album is a holistic cycle, where in genre and stylistic diversity is maintained single subject, which creates a picture of the contrast comparing different aspects of a single being. Using the principle of association in the compositions of folklore started in jazz and rock music.

The value of the group "Braty Gadyukiny" for the development of Ukrainian rock overemphasized. This group was not only the formation of national origins of rock music in independent Ukraine, but also able to create its own unique sound that is virtually impossible to play. "Braty Gadyukiny" appears at the turn of the century. At first they

appeared during the restructuring, and now a building Ukraine they took to the stage again. Famous Ukrainian musicians noted that our cultural value space, their work can only be compared with the world of rock idols as "The

Beatles" and "Rolling Stones".

What exactly did "Braty Gadyukiny" launch? Their music emerged incredible combination of Ukrainian folklore and styles such as rock and roll, blues, reggae. Moreover, this synthesis is quite seemingly different music styles, and created a very original, recognizable, corporate identity group, which revealed the underlying source related Ukrainian folklore and African-American (blues).

"Braty Gadyukiny" had its specific charisma, even after a long break in concerts, they could immediately collect full houses, while not requiring huge "promotion". The audience at their concerts usually behaves quite relaxed with singing and dancing. After nearly 15 years of "creative silence" (since last new material was written in 1996, and after him came

only discs with recordings of old concerts and compile) the band released a new album "Made in Ukraine", in support of which the musicians played a tour in Ukraine.

Musicians of the group describing their new album say that it is designed in the best traditions of the group – mix Ukrainian Rhythm & Blues, Hutsul reggae, Lviv chanson and strong current texts. The basic idea of the album that all Ukrainian should be collected and combined, and those who had gone away, and those who had remained. The album consists of 16 tracks and is larger than the previous ones, where the maximum number of songs not exceeds 12. Over time, the band changed the subject, but in the center of their work is still social problem, which varies according to the demands of the time.

Such characteristics are in the album "Made in Ukraine":

1) social problems are wars, migrations, alcoholism, drugs, the dominance of technological devices and the decline of morality among the population, the lack of a developed industry in Ukraine and excessive consumption of imported products.

2) this album can be considered a kind of anthology of rock and pop music, where the most popular and "classical" areas such as disco, pop rock, blues, rock and roll, Bossanova, funk, rock, reggae, ska. Significantly, the genre and stylistic palette are enriched by apply the style, group has not used before (rumba, Bossanova).

3) The combination of jazz and folklore mixed with blues and Hutsul frets.

4) Close relationship with folk principle, which manifests itself not only in the citation, but its creative rethinking such as writing in the spirit of folklore, involving folk instruments.

5) Quality arrangements, with the presence of contrapuntal lines – background vocals block chords, instrumental diversity (use not only "classical" composition tools, and the involvement of brass).

6) The songs of the album is not just alternate and combine in a coherent cycle. There are semantic arches between songs.

7) There are new elements such as recitation or even rap.

8) significantly increased the level of vocabulary group that is leaving its own "flavor" presented Nadsianskiy

dialect involving dialect words, such as "lasses" (girl), "chichka" (girl or flower) and the using of slang, almost nonnormative rejected phrases.

9) A brilliant using of the comic principle in its diverse manifestations qre humor, satire, irony. Thus, it may be noted that the new album "Made in Ukraine" has demonstrated the best qualities of the style of the band "The Braty Gadyukiny" and introduced innovations that indicate its evolution. Arts group has long been a role model, launching a tradition of Ukrainian rock music that has a distinct national character and a close relationship with folklore, which also looks completely organic in carrying rock group.

Author Biography

Veronica Tormakhova

PhD in Arts, associate professor, the jazz and pop singing chair Kyiv national university of culture and arts


Конен В. Рождение джаза / В.Конен. – М.: Советский композитор, 1984. – 312 с.

Прес-конференція з приводу виходу нового альбому "MADE IN UKAINE" в УНІАН 09.09.2014 [Електроний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

Украинские музыканты о том, что для них значат "Братья Гадюкины": [інтерв’ю] / Беседу провела Анастасия Марушевская. – [Електроний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

Konen V. Rozhdenie dzhaza / V.Konen. – M.: Sovetskij kompozitor, 1984 .– 312 s.

Pres-konferencіja z privodu vihodu novogo al'bomu "MADE IN UKAINE" v UNІAN 09.09.2014: [Elektronij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu:

Ukrainskie muzykanty o tom, chto dlja nih znachat "Brat'ja Gadjukiny": [іnterv’ju] / besedu provela Anastasija Marushevskaja. – [Elektronij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: