
  • Violetta Demeschenko



Ukrainian cinema, directing movies, tale movies, expressive means of cinema, movies language, movies paintings


The article is dedicated to the research work of the famous Ukrainian film director Dovzhenko. The article highlights the main periods of the director, his influence on the formation of the Soviet and national film school. We consider creative director stages, its contribution to the formation of "poetic cinema" noted feature creative approach to creating films that were due to creative director significant artistic and cultural heritage not only to Ukrainian but also for world cinema.

Development famous film director of Alexander Dovzhenko Ukrainian art is extremely remarkable that manifests itself in immortal cinema masterpieces of the artist with his particular style of Film, recognized not only by the Soviet, but also world cinema. Myths about filmmaking of the outstanding Ukrainian Oleksandr Dovzhenko trying to create and distribute even today, when society has stepped in the XXI century.

Great master`s works are inexhaustible and multi-vector, philologists distinguish the special beauty of its language, artists emphasize the Dovzhenko`s cartoon style, film find an innovator Ukrainian Dovzhenko cinema, art – bright creator and representative of world culture, writers – virtuoso artistic expression, publicist, known stands.

Alexander Dovzhenko lived and worked in difficult times of history, but that gave impetus to the canonization of its kind as a person in the cinema and creative person. This process began in the late 1920s, right after the movie "Zvenyhora" and "Arsenal" – the phenomenon is quite typical of the artistic life of the Soviet period, when politics and ideology influence and hang over the work of art circles as an integral part of the system. The world had to know about the achievements of the young socialist state, which created conditions for "the full development of national cultures" gave ground for the emergence of their own Soviet cinema. Dovzhenko received massive acclaim in a wide media USSR and abroad. His name became known, it acquired legendary significance, thus creating a mythological space around the artist that was characteristic of the 30s of the twentieth century.

Ukrainian writers, with whom communicated director, always emphasized his national identity, considered him a messiah Ukrainian cinematography, stressed its mission the revival of spiritual culture of the people.

In 30 years, Alexander Dovzhenko appeared as an original filmmaker, founder poetic cinema in the Soviet cinema.

His search for innovative ideas and author embodies creativity, launching a new direction in Soviet movies – poetic film, where she is a prose-poetic metaphorically rich, organic in nature, associated with increased descriptiveness, and therefore – zhyvopysnosti, justified itself not only the term "kinopoeziya" found supporters not only in domestic but also in world cinema. Poetry in his work is not an end in itself, but acts only one of the tools for a peculiar image of what he wanted to show people on the screen, it naturally permeates the entire artistic fabric film artist.

Dovzhenko shot his first sound film, "Ivan" in 1932, the social meaning of this painting is unpretentious, but composition, character and decor are different from others. Director abandoned young Soviet film tradition, deeply affected socialist realism when the screen stood turbine column of tractors, gears, paravozy. For grinding iron artist shows ordinary man with his ordinariness, emotions, hopes and doubts, joy and grief. On the first International Venice Film Festival in August 1934 took place a snippet of his film "Ivan". Since conflicts at Kiev Dovzhenko studio, especially after the setting of the film "Ivan", exacerbated, the director decided to go to Moscow and in 1933 started working on "Mosfilm".

In 1935 Dovzhenko awarded the Order of Lenin, and in autumn of the same year on the screens was "optimistic" movie "Aerohrad", and in 1939 the screens out the historical and revolutionary epic – "Schors" staged at the Kiev Film Studio. Directed building plot on reports of military operations and Bogunskiy Tarashcha regiments commanded by Vasyl Bozhenko. They serve as a leading line to show the crucial role of education regular units of the Red Army to victory in the Civil War.

Movies Dovzhenko special, defined organic combination of figurative historicism thinking deeply creation of folk, national character, a combination of high-rise romantic thoughts with penetrating philosophical analysis of reality, rethinking poetics of folk art, a free application hiperbolizmu, grotesque, symbolism. These features are inherent creativity Dovzhenkivskiy greatly enriched Ukrainian cinema.

Author Biography

Violetta Demeschenko

Ph.D., Associate Professor Director of the Institute of Arts, the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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