
  • Xiaomei Liang




China, Europe, intercultural dialogue, piano pedagogy, methodological principle


The article deals with the development of piano pedagogy in higher musical education in China. Problems of curriculum reform are discussed in the context of modern integration of cultural processes that determine the challenges and prospects of music education in China. Based on the experimental study highlights the need for a successful training of professional pianists methodological principles and forms of work. The purpose of this article – to identify the main "problem areas" in traditions of piano pedagogy at universities in Shandong Province and ways to solve them.

The problem of raising the professional level of the graduates of music schools is an urgent problem of the system of music education in modern China. Piano performance in this regard, occupies a special position, since Chinese pianist actively integrated into the European cultural space – a large number of representatives of China are being trained in European and American educational institutions, and in concert and performing practice today are increasingly talking about the Chinese "piano boom."

Given the active and purposeful interaction of Chinese cultural policy and system of music education with European traditions, before piano teachers in Chinese universities are updating task and reform of the usual teaching methods in accordance with the requirements of modern professional level. Therefore, reference to the subject is topical and relevant.

The main idea of reforming the piano education are associated with a comprehensive approach to the special music education, which combines the development of practical skills and abilities, as well as the theoretical awareness of students. High professional level of modern Chinese pianists should be formed exclusively from the standpoint of professional competence of the performing musician, which is complex in its nature: it organically combines theoretical and practical levels of personal development, which generally form a performing pianist culture.

Under real conditions, renewal of curricula of music education in Shandong based on innovation and integration principles, requires the introduction of comprehensive training, incorporates not only narrow-profile training, but also the historical discipline, humanities and social science. This disciplinary complex should be based on the inclusion in the curriculum base for the European system of music education a comprehensive study of world music. This approach to the system of higher music education in schools Shandong reflects current socio-cultural needs of the Chinese piano pedagogy.

In recent years dramatically increased the number of students in Shandong University, while teaching resources related to the education of highly qualified teachers to carry out scientific and methodological work and learning process, meeting modern requirements of piano culture is not able to provide the quality education of so many students.

Author Biography

Xiaomei Liang

teacher of Conservatory Taishan State University (China)


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