
  • Olena Papeta



Mistetstvo, cultural traditsіya, Metro Manila School of Painting, єvropeyska hudozhnya Osvita, Gromadska pozitsіya, picturesque palіtra


The phenomenon of creativity of the artist Ludmila Semikina is a bright page in the artistic culture of Ukraine in the second half of XX – beginning of XXІ century. One of the most characteristic features of her art can be called a variety of areas of creative activities: painting, drawing, fashion design, working in film. The work of L. Semykina appear before modern art enthusiasts in a wide range of their species, stylistic. One of the necessary conditions to create a holistic picture of the creative ways the artist is the study of those relationships, which reflect the dynamic interaction of all components development of talаnt.

Ludmila Semykina was born in Odessa – a city of distinct cultural traditions. Not far from the historic center childhood of the future artist. Her father was from intellectual families where all children received higher education. Her mother came from a pour, the family of fishermen. Memories of childhood open the most important page to understand the conditions under which formed the character of the future artist. Her mind from the outset provided a powerful spiritual impulse to self-search in her own way. L. Semykina was 9 years old when his father, realizing tyranny of Bolshevik government in 1933 took to the District Committee of the Bolshevik your ticket. The father was a drama of the whole family, especially his mother, who could not grasp the end of what was happening. The first step for a future profession to become L. Semykina art studio Palace of Pioneers, situated in a beautiful house in the historical and cultural center of the city – the palace of Prince Vorontsov.

Two years before the Second World War, in 1939 L. Semykina entered the Odessa art school. After the war, continued education (years of training 1939-1941; 1944-1947). During stay in school she studied sculpture bases, engaged in ceramics, mastered the basics of painting. At that time in school taught by leading figures of the Odessa school of painting – L. Muchnyk, M. Zhuk, T. Frayerman, E. Bukovetsky.

Importantly, E. Bukovetsky, K. Kostandi student, was one of the founders of the "Society of South artists". A brilliant painter, he after studying in Paris in the Academy R. Julien, and later – at the Academy of Art taught his students the basics of painting, focusing on European cultural tradition. Culture and respect for educators, the consistent and deep familiarity with the basics of the profession of painter, lectures on art history – all this precious treasure remained in the soul, and the nature of L. Semykina.

Theophilus Frayerman included in the main body of the college professors, had a European art education. He was from the Munich School A. Ashbe, the Paris Academy of Arts. Since 1935 Frayerman became a professor of the Odessa Art College, where trains high-level artists, including Otroshchenko S., P. Sinhayivskyy, V. Stryelnikov and others. For beginners such as L. Semykina, it was extremely fruitful when formed creative personality of the future artist.

In 1947 L. Semykina graduated from the Odessa Art College. At that time her palette called "pearl." The years of life spent in Odessa, remained as one of the most expensive memories. Later, when last year the institute will become a future artist before choosing thesis topic she chooses a theme related to the native city. From 1947 to 1953, the artist studied at the Kyiv Art Institute in the department of painting and drawing. She went to college as a formed painter, with his own understanding of color. With great difficulty she managed to get into the studio best colorist of the then faculty of Kyiv Art Institute A. Shovkunenko. This was the main motive for a young artist in choosing a teacher, because she so fervently sought to learn the secrets of skill. A role played in this choice is the fact that the Kyiv Institute of Art O. Shovkunenko taught at the Odessa Art School.

During training Semykina L. was one of the best in the workshop A. Shovkunenko. In her work, especially portraits, staged felt his school portrait, a deep sense of colorful paintings foundations.

Her students' work, such as "Portrait of old", "Portrait of Baroyantsa" (both 1953), suggest the technique brilliantly figure, a good sense of form, powerful rich palette that was "hallmark" L. Semykina throughout studies at the Kiev Art Institute.

As already noted, L. Semykina graduated from university not only a professional painter, but also a man with a well-established social position. However dominant in the formation of the creative person was training at the Odessa Art School, and later – Alexei Alekseevich art school Shovkunenko also graduate schools. Art at each new stage of development is enriched with new values, but constant constant spiritual and creative forces of society can be considered a deep cultural tradition that is passed from teachers to pupils and descendants.


Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В.

Ф.-Р.-622, Оп. 2, од. зб. 185. Протокол № 12 . Засідання кафедри живопису і композиції від 11

березня 1952 р. Стор. 59.

Інтерв’ю з Людмилою Семикіною. Травень, 2014 р. Приватний архів Папети О. В. 9. Ф. Р. – 622, оп. 2, справа 219. Стор. 8.

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Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

F.-R.-622, Op. 2, od. zb. 185. Protokol № 12 . Zasidannia kafedry zhyvopysu i kompozytsii vid 11 bereznia 1952 r. Stor. 59.

Interviu z Liudmyloiu Semykinoiu. Traven, 2014 r. Pryvatnyi arkhiv Papety O. V.

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