folk choreography, musical theater, symphony theory, dramaturgy, genre fusion, theatrical composite structuresAbstract
Problems of Ukrainian musical-choregraphy creativity and in terms of the historical flashbacks, and even more so from a position of modernity is always relevant. In the history of Ukrainian national – stage choreography Paul Verskogo prevualiruet dynamism: the processes are usually "proceed" quickly and violently in the period of its establishment in the creative team – the ensemble of world-famous choreographer (second half of 50 – 60 years), and in the coming period creative director famous folk dances (mid 70s) when the compression and "acceleration" even more tangible.
In a complex and changing world of Ukrainian folk choreography, however, there are some main lines, certain constants that define much. These constants we include theater and symphony. Both concepts are voluminous and multi-genre. They never left the choreography choreographer Paul Wirski and problems symphony, in the interchange of all periods of his robots Academic Folk Dance Ensemble of Ukraine, invariably the head of which he was from 1955 to 1975 years, combined both areas.
Issues choreographic symphony somehow turned this article. Based on the methodology B. Asafiev developed in Soviet music science, the author chose the subject of study choreography famous choreographer Paul Wirski. Scientific search goes in the direction of the study of composite atypical theatrical dance compositional laws of its numerous concerts, composite, dramatic and stylistic peculiarities of synthetic genres ballets.
The symphony is widely volume and basic category of musical thinking even more claimed its position in the proposed scientific article devoted to the idea of genre fruitful synthesis study on samples of composite structures theatrical folk choreography famous choreographer. Its author Ballet Theater of folk dance is one of the first tests of a scientific approach to the study of the choreographic events of the second half of the last century. The author makes an attempt to look at the process of staging the art collective known worldwide. New scientific view of the kind of long-term work the choreographer leads to interesting conclusions in the field of musical and choreographic drama. Equally important copyright Ballet Theatre Paul Wirski, artists whose creative team was all dance ensemble. Internationally renowned choreographer was "a pioneer" in a kind of theater-dance groups, using features of the symphony in their theatrical and ballet composite structures in the formulation of national dances. From this perspective, his work has not yet been investigated choreographers. Space that partially fill in this article
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