
  • Natalia Romanenko




Rivne theatre, occupation, actor, staging performances


The article States about the activities of Rivne theatre in the years of German occupation, which still remains a challenge for cultural and artistic studies, for in archives and private collections are stored rare materials, which have enriched our knowledge of the native Ukrainian history and culture.

June 28, 1941 Exactly captured by German troops, and the 9th of August ended with the occupation of Rivne region. Since early July, the City Council opened, which led Mr. Bulba. Departments Board monitored the performance of the German authorities established order and ensure the population groceries and more.

It was then activated cell activity "Enlightenment", who chased the Poles in 1929, and the Soviet authorities banned.

The elder Mr. Bulba appointed director of urban Ukrainian Drama Theater M. Kalinovich and director – Alexander Bazhenov-Zanudka. The opening of the theater took place on September 14 premiere of the comedy "Martin Borulya" I. Tobilevich. The play involved actors L. Orlov, V. Viktorskyy, M. Baryshnika, M. Portyanko, I. Ogorodnyi K. Smith, A. Seversky, D. Kashveruk, E. Vasyuki, M. Kalinovych, M. Baydan etc. .

A week before the opening of the theater in all the streets were hung ad in German and Ukrainian.

City Ukrainian Drama Theatre became the center of cultural and artistic movement in German-occupied territory of Ukraine (1941-1944). Its activities Haydabura W. wrote, I. Zilina, V. Gutsulyak, Leonov and A. Chervinska, J. and A. Zavalniuk Oleinik, G. Demyanchuk, E. Tsimbalyuk, P. Panchenko, Y. Krasnoschok, Samchuk and others.

Occupation authorities demanded that the management of the programs Theater concert-theatrical mobile brigades, which artists had to serve in the army, SS and SD units, police and death squads.

For Staging "Natalka Poltavka" Kotlyarevskyi and "Courtship in Honcharivka" in an acting troupe invited fans; for setting "Intrigue and Love" Schiller – Russian repertory theater actors S. Kalchevskoyi.

Since July 1941 the city moved the family A. Demo Dovhopilskoho who collaborated with the newspaper "Volyn", and opened the studio theater (over 70 people), where artists were preparing rooms for programs and performed in local cinemas rented premises .

A. Dovhopilskyy strengthened cast of professional actors – prisoners of concentration camp (Hrabnykah, Freedom and near white). So in the studio theater were G. Ermolenko, S. Nosenko, Rudenko, A. Chornobay, I. Sai and A. Slisarenko.

And when A. Demo Dovhopilskoho appointed director of urban Ukrainian Drama Theater in team personnel changes took place and changed policy repertoire: "Living deceased" Konych-Lysenko "Give heart will and lead captive" Kropivnitskogo "One hundred thousand" I. Karpenko-Kary; F. Pavlenko Omelyanovych-staged "Resurrection" B. Kalishevskoho and "true story" A. Veselovsky; A. Demo Dovhopilskyy – "Mina Mazaylo" M. Kulish and "Love Verkhovyna"; in january 1942 was held at the theater and the premiere of "Meanness and Love" Schiller.

A. Demo Dovhopilskoho arrested july 16, 1943, after the assassination Kuznetsova, Deputy General Reichscommissar Darhelya, October 15, 1943 was shot near the village of fiction.

18 Number actors left the theater after the rest – have continued to work under its new director B. Viktorskoho.

Soon afterwards premiere F. Omelyanovych-Pavlenko "Gypsy Aza" and "Luck Disasters" Starytsky, and in september she became director and artistic director of the theater.

When the evacuation of German institutions and military units on the stage, which kept only the enthusiasm of actor and spectator support, and then held concerts and performances, however, a half-empty hall. In general district"Volyn-skirts" in autumn 1941 and worked Musical Drama Theatre. M. Sadowski (Proskuriv), City Theatre. Shevchenko (Kamenets), Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Iziaslav), Volyn Ukrainian theater (Lutsk), etc .; in towns and villages were active drama circle, music schools, dance courses and singing.

We know that in autumn 1942 the occupation authorities increased repression and persecution theater groups, accusing the actors in anti-German propaganda; banned the staging of the classic Ukrainian drama, requiring the Directorate entertainment repertoire and concert programs.

During the German occupation of Rivne destroyed 25 theaters and clubs, where we learn about the activities of the modern naturalistic works.

In december 1943 – march 1944, the Red Army liberated the Rivne and Rivne region. And April 24, 1944 opened the Rivne Regional Music and Drama Theatre, director and another director is appointed Karl Kozachuk, artistic director – Alexander Bazhenov. At the time the troupe worked actors Lozovskaja M., V. Kolotov, M. Baydan, V. Petrychin, T. Kuibida Lohoshovets A., A. Murov, E. Vasyukov. Kozachuk K., S. Kyrylchuk and others. Conductor P. Mahryt formed an orchestra of 15 musicians.

The first post-war theater season opened April 29, 1944, on the stage premiere performances K. Kozachuk "Guilty Without Guilt" by A. Ostrovsky, and then began work on the Staging prewar repertoire and concert programs, which a group of actors, led by B. Petrychin, performed in military units.

In May 1944, the theater toured Korets and jail, and after returning to Rivne (May 26) held the premiere of Alexander Bazhenov "Unlucky" Karpenko-Kary and "Plato Krechet" O. Korniychuk.

In early July 1944 the theater building was destroyed, the actors managed to save some of the scenery, costumes and props. A few months he worked in the theater premises urban cinema "Empir" in difficult conditions, the scenic area is too small, and in September – in the former German dining room, where there was comedy show "Guerrillas in the steppes of Ukraine" O. Korniychuk. Before the team joined an acting troupe mobile Zaporozhye State Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater director G. Berezhnoy-Davydov (actors: D. Didan, I. Didenko, A. Hetsan, N. Loving, NM Kaminska, G. Kyyanov-Kyyanovskyy O. Necklace, Punk G., M. Cherepynska, P. Tahtayev etc.).

Repertoire consisted of performances K. Kozachuk "Mr. Perkins mission to the country Bolsheviks", G. Davydov "Come in Dzvinkove", "Front" and "Plato Krechet" O. Korniychuk, A. Bazhenov, "Nazar Stodolya" Shevchenko and K . Kozachuk "Nedorosl" Kotlyarevskyi et al., decor which made K. Kozachuk and music – point Mahryta.

Since 1945, the theater director appointed Mr. Gordiychuk, former actor Municipal Ukrainian Drama Theater. He finished the month of staging the play "peasant ambassador" L. Smelyanskaya, but its staging Gorky "Last" accolades printed town newspapers.

And the first postwar year for theater ended tragically – suddenly cut short the life of a leading director Alexander Bazhenov, and in 1947 – P. Gordiychuk; troupe needed strengthening and renewal cast of theater property, costumes, props, and most importantly – enriching the repertoire of interesting drama.

Author Biography

Natalia Romanenko

applicant Kyiv national University of culture and arts


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