
  • Olena Solodilova



inculturation, aesthetic inculturation, the identity, the individual, society, aesthetic activity, aesthetic evaluation


A study of youth aesthetics is a necessary component of inculturation modern personality. The process of inculturation is seen through the communion of man to the study of arts and direct participation in the aesthetic activity, which involves the training of aesthetic assessment and imposition of aesthetic judgment.

Responsibility to society and nature, professionalism and personal attitude to the objects actually define a new perspective on education and formation of the person, human activities put forward by one of the first places in the productive and social sectors of society, philosophy, aesthetics and culture.

Culture is linked by numerous ties with the aesthetics. As a system that teaches human basic aesthetic categories, it enables today's youth to join the established cultural traditions, to become the bearer of a certain lifestyle, knowledge systems and values.

The study of aesthetics is developing a tolerant attitude to the world as a unity of diversity, and aesthetic perception of reality allows for a more qualitative assessment of the potential of culture.

The aesthetic understanding of reality means, first of all, aimed at improving the process of inculturation of the person: the development of feelings, emotions, figurative and associative thinking, artistic and creative abilities, aesthetic taste education to meet the needs in the development of cultural values, mastering the skills of analyzing works of art, an aesthetic exercise assess their artistic features, the formation and the statement of aesthetic judgments, etc.

General cultural competence, which is acquired by the individual in the process of inculturation, is referring to the mastery of them large enough amount of knowledge and social experience through practice.

Entry into the culture, development of its values allows the individual to shape the development of the emotional sphere of the person, of high aesthetic value, creates conditions for the improvement of the art of dialogue with various representatives of the society, presentation of results of the activity. This process allows not only to study the creative activities of individual members of different cultural epochs and aesthetic style, but also to take part in the cultural and creative activity. Examples of such activities may be projects aimed at the study of the aesthetic heritage of culture of the city, province, country, etc.

In the process of self-study individual learns not only to create a separate product form of art, but also to give him aesthetic appreciation on the part of the structure, content, design, ie to implement features of aesthetic evaluation in full.

The method of self-attraction to cultural and creative activity helps to develop the individual's ability to self-assessment, to interact with other members of society without conflicts, the culture of dialogue and presentation of results of individual activity. This allows the individual at the time of the study of aesthetic values, not only to improve their own culture, but also to take part in the inculturation of other representatives of culture during a demonstration of the creative developments.

Involvement in the process of inculturation of the individual aesthetic values gives a great opportunity for self, self, self-creation of the individual, especially in moral and aesthetic terms. That aesthetic activity is aimed at creating an aesthetic object. It is based on a long, hard work, self-restraint, to compare its quality with the ability of others to overcome itself and achieve new results.

The process of inculturation involving aesthetic resources involves modeling of situations in life in which a person is. Aesthetic activity of an individual is always emotionally saturated, which accelerates the action of the psychological mechanisms of adaptation of man to the environment, with the active position aimed at increasing personal status.

During the self-identification of aesthetic activity to meet certain aesthetic needs of people, it has a permanent character and is a periodic attempts to find the individual in the socio-cultural environment of their own kind and take yourself to them.

In today's society there are new value system that encourage the development of aesthetic activity of the individual, mass of different types of art, becoming relations between the aesthetic and the political, economic and cultural life of society.

In the process of inculturation takes aesthetic representation of attitudes of various segments of the population. In the culture of post-industrial society the concept of beauty often gets relative and do not always become a prerequisite for the individual identity in the culture. Aesthetic inculturation can manifest itself in its visible forms of merchandise.

Aesthetic inculturation should give the opportunity to enter the inner nature of man.

Author Biography

Olena Solodilova

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Studies East Ukrainian National University named V. Dahl


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