
  • Vladimir Syomkin



дизайн, профессиональные функции, систематизация, оптимизация, образование


Through systematization of educational processes in the specialty "Design" to update professional design features of reasonable and emphasized that the Master is to assimilate the entire spectrum of basic knowledge and skills and, therefore, to implement all the features that characterize the design. Underline and justified differentiation problems and their content, taking into account the respective functions of design, depending on the level of educational qualification, profession and specialization in dyzayu. Grounded a special place propaedeutic function as a base, especially in the context of design education. Modified and reasonably content all the features of the design: Esperanto; project design; prototyping; design programming; research; design marketing; patentuvalnu design; organization; training; regulatory control. As a result, identified and justified professional features in design based on organizing and optimizing educational processes in "Design".

The problem of education in design related with justification specialties and specializations, as well as the definition and justification features of the design in the context of and improve the content and structure of educational processes and, accordingly, curricula for design professions, the issues considered in some publications, including copyright, as well as in the GDR. The purpose of this article is a ground-based organizing and optimizing educational processes in the specialty "Design" features professional design work.

For professional functions inherent understanding of design activity could be argued that the fourth level, ie master shall, at his training, to learn the entire spectrum of basic knowledge and skills and, accordingly, professionally implement all the features that characterize the design as a specific activity, aesthetic and representational basically aimed at forming a perfect subject and the environment in a person's name, its benefit based on understanding and awareness of socio-cultural and economic needs of society and the environmental problems of the environment. Isolate separate professional function design activity – Esperanto, which has a special place as a base (especially in the context of design education) and inherent almost in full for professionals at Bachelor and Master of consideration of training and specialty or specialization in Design .

Given this, select the basic functions of design that characterized the level of knowledge and skills professionally trained in design at the Masters – namely propaedeutical, project design, layout, design, programming, research, design and marketing, design patentuvalna , organizational, educational and regulatory control.

A special place in basic training courses (propaedeutic function) takes discipline "Ergonomics" as part of the scientific knowledge and skills about the relationship of man and any technical means. Ergonomics studies anthropometric, biochemical, physiological and psychological aspects of human interaction with the subject of the environment and human life. Within propaedeutic features important to provide fundamental knowledge of art history, architecture, ornament and design. Today the obvious need for optimization propaedeutic function in Design in high school.

All functions form a propaedeutic discipline in students artistic, creative thinking, emotional and aesthetic relationship to reality; perception of the subject environment through compositional and plastic prism in volume, and morphological kolorohrafichnomu decision.

The "design project"

Formation of this function is based on the main goal of the design or creation of design objects that meet modern social and cultural needs of man.

The study design include consideration of various aspects of the design. However, their specificity is not the means involved for this, and how they fit with the project approach. Through this combination of research is project and design – research. Methodically research project is intended to streamline the cognitive activity of the designer, direct it into the mainstream of development and implementation of the project plan, filling it with concrete. Design research as a structural element and meaningful design process vzayepov'yazani seamlessly with its other two procedures – the actual design, as well as criticism and evaluation. The specific feature of the study is that it expresses the cognitive relation to the object: if the object becomes the actual design, the research he studied. Occupying a position of researcher, designer, of course, should not forget the main goal of the design – object transformation under the new social and cultural problems, time and human needs. The main function of design research is to design object modeling to identify its comprehensive relations with the socio-cultural environment and man. The peculiarity of design and research models is that they serve as a means of knowledge of the object and its image project.

It should be emphasized that the first typical task for the "Design-project" have a problem "pre-analysis of the situation" in which is reflected the research aspects, ie the design of the study.

At the initial stage of the project process designer must continue to make the most complete picture of the object of design development. It is necessary to reconstruct the various aspects of the initial situation at any stage of the design process on the object is projected, due, primarily, analysis analogues and prototypes.

Thus, a typical first task that function "design project" is "pre-analysis of the situation", which reflects the research aspects of this function.

Further typical tasks function "design project" will be formulated directly in the development of educational and job description in the specialties "Design". They should reflect the typical tasks that reveal all the specifics, it is in the process of project design activities.

Author Biography

Vladimir Syomkin

candidate Art History, Professor Institute of Design and Landscape Art The National Academy of Culture and Arts


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