
  • Olga Shandrenko




fashion, style, classification, style in clothes, style display, stylistic shaping


Polystylism in art has raised a set of questions that connected with understanding of “style” in different fields of knowledge.

Use of style is especially relevant in mass media, concerning the questions of fashionable innovations. Since the 20th century, with rapid development of innovative technologies, the significant changes in fashion industry had happened, thus led to rapid changes of fashionable forms and images. On the pages of glossy magazines that cover fashionable events, it is often possible to see information about the actual styles which descended from fashionable world runways and became popular among most of people of many countries. However, there is not always clear a compliance of content and title of this or that style.

The research task is based on justification, definition and systematization of characteristics of style in the context of fashionable innovations. The practical implication of research consists in the complex solution of questions of art transformation in system of design activity of the fashion designer.

The aim of this work is to define the specifics of a style shaping in design of clothes and fashion. Also the identification of characteristic dominants that allow to define the compliance between the title of style and a style shaping in art criticism aspect.

The displayed signs of a style shaping in fashion as result of creativity were defined on methodological bases by A. Losev in the context of modern understanding of "visual turn". Among many works about art theory, important place are taken by the work of A. Losev "Problems of artistic style. The theory of artistic style". In this work author reduces to the uniform understanding of the notion “style” in different fields of knowledge. His theory most precisely allows to understand all deep essence of this word and to use it at our research. In his work A. Losev uses two methods: empirical and dialectic. The empirical method allows to define style features of work of art, in research of the facts; the dialectic method allows to see that the single and separate can't exist without the general, and the general − is interconnected with the single. A number of examples, problems and questions which were raised by A. Losev, reveal in a range of necessary attributes without which style can't be style. We use the methodological analysis of style detection on the subject world of fashion, namely on clothes and accessories.

The perception of a plastic dress code is carried out in the context of tactile and visual. Important approach of the visual is considered in Mewerkina-Rozhdestvenskaya 's work " Visual turn: analysis and interpretation of images" where the author suggests to research the visual as a culturological-semiotics-sociological phenomenon. In the context of this approach it appears that the sociological understanding of the image is constructed in such a way to decode the content of social meanings and senses in their visual symbolics by hermeneutic and semiotic tools.

The option of semiotics address to the master of fashion, by the message in activity manifestation of a style shaping is similarly carried out. Information about subject contains a social group affiliation, state of mind, orientation to tastes, behavior, moral values, own qualities etc. We direct such vision of style on fashion. Thus, choosing certain "style", the artist, the designer, the couturier undertakes to carry out (intentionally or incidentally) the social role connected with activity, creative process, creation of fashion. The designer becomes the carrier of norms that declares other sense, and consumers of fashionable innovations, can perceive (or not to perceive) this transfer his activity. The question of popularity and distribution of fashionable style has a certain set of communicative factors. After all the fashion is possible only when the status of hipness in relation to something. Therefore, it is important to pick up such means and factors which will lead to adequate perception and promoting of new.

The comparative approach was used in our research for determination, definition, regimentation and classification of conditional signs of art style in art and fashion objects. We defined the general signs of style which it has to possess in relation to fashionable innovations.

Importance of practical implication of the task is in the complex solution of questions of transformation of art in system of design of clothes. Further application of classification of distinctive signs of a style shaping allows to enhance and gain a better understanding of the nomination of style in fashionable innovations.

Author Biography

Olga Shandrenko

Ph.D. of Arts, the Senior Lecturer of the Design Departmnet Chair Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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