Festivation in the projection of globalism and alter-globalism


  • Larisa Babushka




Festivation, cultural creation, globalism, alter-globalism


The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of the festivation as a reality of a communicative culture in the conditions of globalization and alter-globalism. The art of the XX-XXI centuries, being socially engaging, removes from the horizon of research the aesthetic, figurative, idiocentric realities and forces all the aspects of function-ality, which apparently will not be mistaken to call the notion of artistic activity. The methodology of the research con-sists of the integrated application of principles, methods, and approaches, in particular, phenomenological, comparative, postmodern, synergetic, socio-cultural. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time the aesthetic-cultural aspect of the communicative pragmatics of the festivation as a real active mechanism of mass culture, where the sub-ject, the actor and the actor are nominations that characterize the field of total production of the simulation space and time, both global and local. Conclusions. Understanding the phenomenon of the festivation in the cultural-dimensional dimension gives the opportunity to speak not only about the latest technologies, the situation of transformation or fig-urative means of information presentation, namely, changes in models/images of human existence. In the end, the on-tology of festive creation turns into a technology of informative-transformative discourse, which is mounted, directed, fit into the text, and looks like on-screen information, verbal or synthetic type information

Author Biography

Larisa Babushka

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of Theory and History of Culture Historical and Theoretical Faculty, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine


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