The development of Culture of Management in Ancient China


  • Elena Kovalenko



Culture of Management, Ancient China, Society


The purpose of the article is theoretical analysis and generalization of the features of the management culture of Ancient China, which will contribute to the enrichment of the humanities science with new knowledge about the formation of a culture of governance at the stage of the birth of Eastern civilization. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, civilization, sociocultural, activity, historical approaches, major provisions of the theory and history of society, its culture and management. The general scientific and interdisciplinary methods of research are used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, generalization, formalization. The scientific novelty of the results is to identify and generalize the features of the management culture in ancient China. Conclusions. The main achievement of the management culture in this country is the creation of a harmoniously balanced structure of power and management, based on the sacred explanation of the world picture about the alternation of the polar forces "Yin" and "Yang", whose balance and harmony allow maintaining stability and order in society. The main concepts that have been formed in ancient China and have significantly influenced the further development of Chinese theory, culture and art of management are Confucianism, Moiseism, Legislation, and Tao-ism. Confucianism treats governance through the prism of a family, where relations between rulers and subjects are presented as a family, and management is carried out by noblemen with the help of moral norms of conduct and rituals, and not strict laws. Moise focuses on the paramilitary organization of society, which involves rigor, clarity, diligence on the basis of global coercion, condemnation of aristocracy, the use of not only customs but laws in the name of justice. The legislation offers the concept of a police department based on a system of very rigid laws and harsh punishments. Establishing Taoism in management is a refrain from current actions that go against self-development.

Author Biography

Elena Kovalenko

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Art Management and Event Technologies Department, National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts


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