Etiquette standards of managerial communication: a combination of traditional and innovative aspects


  • Irina Konyukova



Public administration, methods of public administration, managerial communication, etiquette, etiquette standards, etiquette principles, organizational culture, criticism, netiquette ("net" and "etiquette")


The purpose of the article is to study the etiquette standards of managerial communication, identify innovative changes that appeared due to the transformation of the management model itself and how the traditional etiquette standards interact with the new ones regarding management activity. The methodology of the work is based on general scientific principles of research – historical, terminological, system. The purpose and tasks of the publication caused the application of such research methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, which made it possible to clarify the definition of the term etiquette standards" and obtain an interpretation of this category. The system and structural methods were used to reveal the functionality of etiquette standards of managerial communication. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify innovative etiquette standards of managerial communication and their interaction with traditional ones. The influence of etiquette standards on organizational (corporate) culture has been established. Conclusions. It is proved in the article that it is expedient to study the etiquette standards of managerial communication at the junction of the theory of management and cultural studies. The main functions of etiquette in managerial communication are regulatory and integration. Traditional etiquette standards of managerial communication are supplemented by innovations that arose as a result of the introduction of new information and communication technologies into the management practice. The introduction of etiquette mechanisms in management should be permanent because the current level of managerial culture is inadequate.

Author Biography

Irina Konyukova

Associate Professor of the Philosophy Department, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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