Avant-garde museology of K. Malevich: nihilism or innovation?


  • Serhii Rudenko




Avant-garde museology, Malevich, the social and cultural essence of the museum, engineering theory of museum, museology, museum craft, an institutional critique of museums, destroying of museums


Purpose of the article is to find out, does Malevich saw in museum institution some social usefulness. Methodology. Criticism of Karl Popper, situational analysis. Scientific novelty. For the first time carried out scientific analysis of museum concept of K. Malevich. For the first time compare his theoretical views and practical work in the museum field. Find out, that museum craft for Malevich is combining research and artistic creativity. Conclusions. The main message of Malevich avant-garde museology was: if the museum cannot be useful for society, it doesn't have the right to exist. Malevich doesn't suggest any idea of the social and cultural essence of the museum. But given the best on his opinion method for resolving of this problem – denial (what will be with society, if museums will be destroyed). Malevich thought about museums in connection with modernization. The museum cannot be the obstacle in the way of modernization. That’s why museum must be transformed into a laboratory. Malevich refused social experience. Thus he comes to logic obstacle: how the museum might be a laboratory if it doesn't save and use any social experience, even experience of "nowadays". Further investigations – find out how in the process of saving and use this experience.

Author Biography

Serhii Rudenko

Phd in Cultural Studies, Doctor of science degree applicant, Kyiv National University of Cul-
ture and Arts


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