
  • Kateryna Nazarenko



Commercial, consciousness, sociocultural


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to analyse the sociocultural potential of the commercial and its main elements influence on the consumers’ minds, including children and young people and their perception of the quality or low-quality television product. Methodology. Methodology of the research is based on the using of different groups of meth-ods: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of empirical material, its classification, systematization, generalization); diagnostic (questionnaires, interviews, interviews with journalists, psychologists, pediatricians, employees of TV companies) to deter-mine the main areas of the studying the problem of using the socio-cultural potential of TV commercials; conceptual and structural ones (analysis of the subject and the genre palette of TV commercials, interest of its audience). Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is to highlight the socio-cultural potential of the commercial as an effective instrument to manipulate the consciousness of consumers and to form the worldview of the individual. Conclusions. Television advertise-ments provide the broad communication. In addition, commercials actively affect the human consciousness. We can list up the following positive features of the advertising: information and cognitive function of TV commercials; social TV commer-cials, which attract viewers to socially important problems; the competition, generated by the television advertisements, which is a necessary component of the state’s development; the improvement of telecommunication, etc. However, TV advertising is not always safe for watchers, who often "consume" teleproducts, which make them, be "dependent" on television. It leads to the detriment of physical health (especially children and adolescents) and the reduction of the criticality of the consumer’s perception. TV and radio companies do not have the technology of forecasting and using the sociocultural potential of TV commercials. In our opinion, TV programs should be created according to the programmatic approach to the preparation, creation and release of television advertising, redistribution of functions of advertising managers, advertising agents and direc-tor of television programs. To develop of the domestic social institution of advertising, we have to significantly improve the educational activities among advertisers and specialists in the field of developing promotional products, in order to prevent the spread of low-quality advertising, which can damage the consumers’ mind. All in all, in our opinion, the production and placement of television advertising must be controlled by the state.

Author Biography

Kateryna Nazarenko

PhD-candidate, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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