Director's communicative model D. M. Gnatyuk: to the problem of staging the opera of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Queen of Spades"


  • Viktor Bondarchuk



Scenographic decision, directing interpretation, opera genre, the drama of the work


The purpose of the article. The research determines the analysis of the creative way of D.M. Gnatyuk, which is related to his directorial practice at the National Opera of Ukraine named after T. Shevchenko. The attention of the re-search is concentrated on the mechanisms of director's interpretation of the artist during the performance of the production of P. Chaikovsky's "Peak Lady" in 1996. The methodology of the research is to apply historical, biographical and cultural methods for balanced and consistent coverage of the biographical stages of D. Gnatyuk and the formation of his performing professionalism in the coordinates of the artistic realities of the 90s of the twentieth century. The scientific novelty of the work is to broaden ideas about the formation of the operatic genre in the coordinates of the national cultural space and to consolidate its status in the plane of international artistic communication of the twentieth century. The review offers new pages of D. M. Gnatyuk's creative biography which is the projection on the topic of research, stimulate a permanent re-thinking of the structure of the development of the operatic genre in the context of creative realities of the time. Conclusions. The system of the search of mechanisms for the implementation of the director's conception, the expression of the author's thought by the elements of performing interpretation, was the result of the current, permanent search, approbation and conceptual rethinking of the strategy of the opera drama D. Hnatyuk. Presented to the review opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades" is an embodiment of the creative dialogue of all the components of a sophisticated model of the synthetic genre – directing, conductor, choirmaster and stage graphics incarnation, which became the key to including in the acting repertoire of the theater one of the best examples of opera production P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Author Biography

Viktor Bondarchuk

Associate Professor, Candidate of Art, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine


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