Cultural studies of dance as a form of communication


  • Iryna Hertz



Dance, choreographic art, communication, corporeality, sign system


The purpose of the article is to elucidate the culturological foundations of the education of dance as a form of communication. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods of cognition, as well as methods of cultural anthropology. Scientific Novelty. The novelty of the study is determined by the general culturological development of the communicative nature of dance and consists in the formulation of the problem of dancing in the cultural context, in the identification of the specifics of the communicative properties of choreographic art. Conclusions. It was found out that the identification of the communicative aspect of the phenomenon of dance justifies and reveals such a function of dance as a means of conveying information, including thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Dancing is a communicative process, which on the whole confirms the theory of the origin of dance as a result of realizing the needs of the primitive man to express his emotions and knowledge about the world using his body. Dancing is a form of communication in the space of culture and is defined as an actual artistic expression in which worldview attitudes find their appearance.

Author Biography

Iryna Hertz

Associate Professor of the Modern Choreography Department, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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