The specifics of academic vocal art in terms of the contemporary cultural discourse


  • Tetiana Kablova
  • Victor Teteria



Vocal art, academic vocal school, creative etalon, modern cultural space


The purpose of the article. The research is related to the study of the contemporary state of culture and the individual components of the cultural and artistic process. The work deals with the specifics of academic vocal art in the context of modern cultural space. The emphasis is on academic vocals as a typical imprint of professional musical development, as well as on the personality of the artist who embodies the mentality of the nation, reflecting all historical, social and cultural changes of being. The significance of academic vocal art in the musical-historical process is analyzed. The methodology of work is to use comparative, historical and logical methods, hypothetical and deductive way, which allows assuming the consideration of academic vocal art as an embodiment of the professional development of Ukrainian art in contemporary cultural space. This methodological approach contributes to the analysis and formation of academic vocal art in the cultural area of creative processes, determine its place and role in the system of existing artistic forms. Scientific novelty consists of the positioning of academic vocal art as vocal communication, which is genetically determined by human essence. It is emphasized that the degradation of the academic school leads to the humiliation of the value of the national academic vocal school, which is unacceptable in modern cultural creation. It carries a weighty socio-psychological, educational potential. For the first time, academic vocal art as the creativity and professional activity of humankind receives coverage in scientific work as an embodiment of the development of the preservation of national culture in the modern process. Conclusions. Understanding vocal art as a process of producing the spiritual culture of a nation forms the importance of communication between the past, the present and the future. Academic art allows us to deduce the concept of the standard of the singing tone, which becomes the ethanol of the aesthetic tradition of academic singing, allows contemporary vocal culture to be guided by a high level of performing the practice that is essential for the development of professional culture of other forms and genres of vocal music.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Kablova

PhD in Arts, Associate Professor of the Academic and Variety Singing Department, Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Victor Teteria

Associate Professor of the Academic and Variety Singing Department, Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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