Passionarity of Performing Chamber Creativity of Ukrainian Collectives: Spatial-Semiotic As-pects of Innovations


  • Anastasia Kravchenko



Chamber ensemble, ensemble performance, ensemble aesthetics, artistic speech, universal semiotics, artistic and creative communication, externally-ensemble and internally-ensemble interaction, spatial-acoustic conditions, complex of mise-en-scene


Purpose of Research. The purpose of this article is to study the transformational influence of the director's initiatives of the chamber creativity of Ukrainian ensemble musicians on the processes of mastering and acculturation the space of artistic and creative communication at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. Methodology. The method of holistic analysis and semiotic, kinesics, proxemics methodological research approach-es have been applied. Scientific Novelty. The study of the chamber creativity of Ukrainian ensembles makes it possible to identify the vectors of the transformational influence of their director’s-generating initiatives for the processes of mastering and cultivating the contemporary space of artistic and creative communication, which are due to the exit beyond the normative limits of the traditional ensemble technical, artistic, interpretational and mise-en-scene roles in broader poly-artistic, communicative and acoustic-spatial contexts internally- and externally-ensemble interactions. Conclusions. In the aesthetics of chamber music making, the passionarity and universality of the creative performing impulses of the participants of Ukrainian ensemble collectives contribute to the formation of aesthet-ic-semiotic, cultural-hermeneutic and spatio-mise-en-scene background of the new system of artistic and creative communication in the musical culture of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Author Biography

Anastasia Kravchenko

Ph.D in Arts, Doctoral student of the Department of Cultural studies and informational communications, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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