Performance as a form of actionism in the context of modern artistic events


  • Myroslava Melnyk
  • Natalia Kovpak



Actionism, action, performance, improvisation


The purpose of the work. To characterise the specific of the actionism like a creative phenomenon in modern art, to identify the spectacular specific of performance like an art form of action art. The methodology of this research – is using of analytical, art, empirical, comparative, functional and systemic methods of analysis, for example like origin and development of performance as a form of actionism; specific features of performance; improvisation as one of the main features of the performance; acting element in the production. The scientific novelty consists: in the systematisation of the fundamental principles of performance as a form of action art in the artistic space; what are the structural features of production in the system of leading artistic trends. Conclusions. Аccording to the conducted research it can be stated that actionism in the world artistic space determines the area of events-actions with life ideals of society that are concentrated in them. The foundation and formation of the performance in Ukraine happen with the help of all international experience. It was defined as the close interrelation of performance, so this is the form which considered a theatrical-plastic action with the use of VFX which is happened real-time. These actions are based on improvisation, and it allows to adapt the theme of performance to the newly proposed circumstances. According to this, it is based on improvisational-associative action which is connected with acting elements. Therefore, actionism with all its spectacular forms takes exclusive place in modern art.

Author Biographies

Myroslava Melnyk

PhD Arts, Assistant Professor at of stage and gala festivals, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Natalia Kovpak

assistant at of stage and gala festivals Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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