The main features of the cultural transformation of the modern Belarusian society


  • Liubou Uladykouskaja



modern social and cultural transformation, globalization, Belarusian national culture, nation building


The purpose of the research is to define the main features of the cultural transformation of modern Belarusian society. The research methodology is based on the interdisciplinary approach and modern sociological, cultural and anthropological concepts and consists in using of the methods of system analysis for indication of strategic objectives and basic principles of cultural and structural-functional development, which allows viewing culture in its historical, axiological and functional integrity. Scientific novelty is connected with the new understanding of cultural transformation of the modern Belarusian society. The inchoate national identity, lack of support of the Belarusian language, and spiritual crisis hinders the development of the Belarusian national culture and do not resist cultural assimilation and erosion of the nation spiritual foundations. Conclusions. The development of the Belarusian culture depends on the Belarusian identity and statehood. The cultural transformation of the modern Belarusian society is characterized by the following features: the desire of the national elite to preserve the Belarusian cultural paradigm defined by the phenomena of revival, Christian enlightenment, a unique coexistence of the multi-confessional and pagan cultural forms, tolerance, openness and liberal form of thinking; a tragic gap between the creative sphere (intellectual, cultural and creative activities of the national elite) and the sphere of cultural functioning (non Belarusian mass culture, cultural assimilation, and Russification); the crisis in the Belarusian culture, caused by the crisis of the global Christian culture and by the post-Soviet nihilism as well as by low level of the national identity, decreasing of the Belarusian language use; a split of the Belarusian society mainly on the basis of geopolitical orientation and social identity and at the same time growing understanding by authorities of the necessity to strengthen the Belarusian cultural identity as well as their attempts to build a political nation on the basis of the state ideology.

Author Biography

Liubou Uladykouskaja

PhD in Belarusian Studies, Associate Professor, National Institute for Higher Education Director General, Institution “Intercultural Dialogue”(Minsk, Belarus)


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