Perpetuating the memory of T. Shevchenko by M.Lysenko during the 40th and 50th anniversary of poet’s death


  • Kateryna Antonova



artistic activity, commemoration meeting, joint committee on construction of the monument of T.G. Shevchenko in Kyiv, M.V. Lysenko, T.G. Shevchenko


The purpose of the article is to study the activities of M. Lysenko on perpetuating the memory of T. Shevchenko on the occasion of the 40th and 50th anniversaries of the poet's death. It highlights the issues of the role of Lysenko in cultural events and community projects. This means the composer’s concerts dedicated to Kobzar’s memory, concerts, the income from which Lysenko transferred to the installation of the poet’s monument in Kiev, and establishment by the composer of the Joint Committee on the construction of this monument. The methodology of research consists in using of such scientific methods as abstraction, synthesis, deductive, historical and logical. Application of the above methods allows to highlight his participation and role in the implementation and conducting of cultural events and the implementation of social ideas on the occasion of T. Shevchenko’s 40 th and the 50 th anniversary of the death (abstraction); to combine this aspect of cultural and social activities of the composer in a single meaningful whole (synthesis); to explore comprehensively the events in chronological order of the historical context in order to reveal their inner connection and the conditions, in which they happened (the historical and logical method); and to generalize importance of the activity of Lysenko on perpetuating the memory of the poet (deduction). The scientific novelty of work consists in the use of documents, which had not been previously introduced in study of Lysenko, and in coverage of cultural events with the participation of Lysenko on the occasion of perpetuating the memory of T. Shevchenko in his 40th and 50th anniversary of death. Conclusions. Studying the issue of Lysenko’s honoring memory of Shevchenko allows to draw conclusions about the importance of such activities for the development of Ukrainian culture in the conditions of the Ems decree, the pressure of the Russian Empire and the lack of official statehood and independence of Ukraine in the last third of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Author Biography

Kateryna Antonova

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