Architecture of Lviv in the artistic segment of cultural policy of Austria-Hungary: late xix - early ХХ century


  • Artem Barandiy



Lviv, Lemberg, Austria-Hungary, modern, cultural policy


The purpose of the work is to study the cultural policy of Austria-Hungary in the artistic segment through the example of architecture of Lviv of late XIX - early XX century. The methodology consists in applying scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, and specific cultural axiological and comparative methods, namely the knowledge of values of a certain cultural community and its connection with the subject reality and study of changes in the culture as a result of cross-cultural contacts. Scientific novelty of the work is the use of systematic approach for the selection of criteria of cultural policy evaluation. As a criterion we suggested an efficiency of cultural policies. The criterion of efficiency of cultural policy in arts is: 1) the availability of art works and 2) the possibility of active creative work. Conclusions. Cultural policy of official Vienna in the artistic segment - architecture through state and public institutions such as the architectural department of the Lviv Polytechnic, ministries and private firms, exhibitions, and publications - promoted cultural exchange, dissemination of new knowledge and technologies that formed the social conditions for important social transformations. Lviv developed in line with the Europe, enriched thanks to the mobility in Austria-Hungary and on this basis has created its own unique architectural environment.

Author Biography

Artem Barandiy

postgraduate of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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